Friday, June 15, 2007

UpStairs: The Blog Begins ...

Over the hill, down the rabbit hole and onto the internet, welcome to the UpStairs On The Square blog.

There was an advertisement from years ago that stated, "you've come a long way, baby!" Who would have thought that after 25 years in business, UpStairs on the Square would be producing its very own web log?

The intention behind our blog is simple: UpStairs has always prided itself on its commitment to completely honest, no holds barred food (and drinks). Furthermore, our front-of-the-house knows no boundaries, as chefs are just as likely to be out and about the dining rooms as servers. To that end, we seek to use this blog as an opportunity to elongate the conversations that often get cut off in the restaurant industry. To elaborate upon an explanation that we just couldn't finish because we were pulled away by another engagement. In other words, the UpStairs blog is a dialogue between guest and restaurant. We hope that you take the time to explore the multiple facets of our blog, and participate either through your comments or simply telling us when you come in.