Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lemon Verbena

Steve infused some grain alcohol with lemon verbena and we've been playing around with it. I reduced it down to 38% alcohol with rock candy syrup, mixed with some iced tea and ran through the syphon. I loved the result but I think I might go even crazier and try to reduce it even more and maybe freeze it. Keep checking for updates.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

99 Bottles of Beer on the Bad Girl Plaid Walls

Who doesn't love beer? I love beer. A lot.

If you love beer, too, you should come to our Out of Your Gourd Beer Dinner. It's a dinner. With beer. Thusly, the best dinner ever.

As a little back story to this event, Offshore Ale has been a staple beer behind our bar for ages now. That's why when I learned that my good friend, Joe Cleinman, recently became the Master Brewer at Offshore's Martha's Vineyard location I knew we had to do something. Joe and I grew up together in Oneonta, New York, where he, his sister, and I all worked at the illustrious culinary giant known as the Dairy Queen (it really is the crowning acheivement in "ice milk" when you think about it). Anyway, here are all the specs on what hopes to be the best springboard into OktoberFest ever! Come and enjoy it with us:

Out of Your Gourd Beer Dinner
Sunday, October 7th – 6:00 pm

We’re out of our collective gourds, so of course we love to share an autumn meal with Offshore Brewery Company from Martha’s Vineyard. Offshore is an artisanal beer company that produces some of the best seasonal beers in New England. We’ll be presenting a delicious four course dinner (see the website for details) paired with four great beers.

$49 (4 courses, 4 beers) Call 617-864-1933 for reservations.

Monday, October 1, 2007

...and all that Jazz!

Sorry about the cheesy title, sometimes these canned lines get to the point better than good writing.
In any case, last night I took Emily and Lishansky to see Miss Tess and the Bon Ton Parade live. They are playing here on Wednesday and I just wanted to post a link to their site and their myspace page. I don't know how many of you readers have heard of them but my gut feeling is that if you haven't, you will. I imagine most of you will hear them on the radio someday, maybe when you're driving, or at work. A lucky few will hear them in the Monday Club Bar this Wednesday right around 10:00pm, with a cocktail in hand. Ella and Billie and Duke would be proud.